The F&M Global Barometer of Gay Rights®
The F&M Global Barometer of Transgender Rights™
Country Scorecard
1 De Jure Protection of Sexual Minorities
1. No death penalty for sexual orientation
2. No life sentence for sexual orientation
3. No prison term for sexual orientation
4. No criminalization of sexual orientation
5. Hate speech legislation includes sexual orientation
6. Hate crimes legislation includes sexual orientation
7. Sexual minorities are not restricted or banned from serving in the military
8. Civil unions for sexual minorities are allowed
9. Same-sex marriage is allowed
2 De Facto (Civil & Political) Protection of Sexual Minorities
10. Freedom from arbitrary arrest based on sexual orientation
11. Head of state supports legalization of homosexuality
12. Head of state supports same-sex civil unions / same-sex marriage
13. Majority of citizens are accepting of homosexuality
14. Sexual minorities have the right to privacy
15. Sexual orientation does not prejudice the right to a fair trial
3 LGBT Rights Advocacy
16. LGBT organizations are allowed to legally register (by the state)
17. National LGBT rights organizations exist
18. LGBT rights organizations are able to peacefully and safely assemble
19. LGBT Pride events are allowed by the state
20. Security forces provide protection to LGBT Pride participants
4 Socioeconomic Rights
21. Workplace anti-discrimination laws include sexual orientation
22. Fair housing anti-discrimination laws include sexual orientation
23. Healthcare anti-discrimination laws include sexual orientation
24. Same-sex couples are allowed to jointly adopt
5 Societal Persecution
25. No known acts of murder against sexual minorities
26. No known acts of violence against sexual minorities
27. Crimes based on sexual orientation are reported to police
1 De Jure Protection of Gender Identity Minorities
1. No criminalization of gender identity or expression
2. Gender identity minorities are not restricted or banned from serving in the military
3. Country has legal recognition of gender identity
4. No physiological alteration requirement for legal gender recognition
5. No psychiatric diagnosis requirement for gender identity recognition
2 De Facto (Civil & Political) Protection of Gender Identity Minorities
6. Freedom from arbitrary arrest based on gender identity or expression
3 LGBT Rights Advocacy
7. LGBT organizations are allowed to legally register (by the state)
8. National LGBT rights organizations exist
9. LGBT rights organizations are able to peacefully and safely assemble
10. LGBT Pride events are allowed by the state
11. Security forces provide protection to LGBT Pride participants
4 Socioeconomic Rights
12. Workplace anti-discrimination laws include gender identity
13. Fair housing anti-discrimination laws include gender identity
14. Healthcare anti-discrimination laws include gender identity
5 Societal Persecution
15. No known acts of murder against gender identity minorities
16. No known acts of violence against gender identity minorities
17. Crimes based on gender identity are reported to police